Based on a series of abstract based poems, 6 different visions come together to tell a cohesive story of healing and growth after first love.
Release Date
November 16th, 2019
Vision by
Jewel IV, Jayda Cardoza, Kaitlyn Frederick
Produced by
Jewel IV, Kaitlyn Frederick, Jayda Cardoza
Directed by
Jayda Cardoza, Sammi Shoemaker, Jewel IV, Joe Lee, Kaitlyn Frederick
Directors of Photography
Sam Shoemaker, Zach MacDowell, Lyle Michos
Casting by
Jewel IV
Nayelin Delgadillo Emily Knoetter
Chapel Darley Kira Dukes
Teresa DiMercurio Gabrielle Malate
Kaitlyn Frederick Jewel IV
THE SUN, 2019 (Dir. Jayda Cardoza)
@ SUNSET, 2019 (Dir. Kaitlyn Frederick)
What is 5.6.9 ?
5 Stages. 6 Poems. 9 Months of healing.